The Importance of Tree Trimming

Taking care to landscape your yard may seem like an added expense, but there are many advantages other than a beautifully manicured garden and yard. Tree trimming and tree pruning are both necessary to protect not only the health of the plant, but also to protect you, your family, and your loved ones from potential hazards.

To reap all the benefits of tree trimming, we recommend hiring a professional expert on tree pruning to safely and correctly trim your trees. But what are the exact benefits of tree trimming? Here are just a few of the benefits of tree trimming:

Growth and Health of The Tree. Without tree trimming, a tree is likely to overgrow. This will result in a much weaker tree that isn’t likely to survive or grow healthily. Tree pruning, the specific term for tree trimming, removes the dead branches and limbs from a tree, which may be affecting the health of a tree, especially if it has any diseased or infected branches. Trimming branches from a tree can also help create a better structure for the tree to grow in, particularly if there are any wiley branches growing in strange directions or towards anything dangerous.

Safety. An unhealthy, weak tree likely means falling branches, an obviously huge safety hazard for anyone near or living around the tree. Branches could fall by themselves due to poor health, but could also be even more susceptible to falling during wind or rain storms. People can be extremely injured from a falling tree or branch, and homes, cars, and other property are easily damaged from falling tree limbs.

Tree Appearance. We probably don’t have to tell you that tree pruning greatly improves the tree’s appearance, but don’t overlook the importance of a great looking tree! Trimming a tree is like giving it a haircut, and properly trimmed trees will enhance the natural shape and structure of the tree. Removing thinning, dead branches, as well as densely packed branches, will increase the amount of sunlight and moisture the tree is intaking, as well as give your property some great curb appeal.

Aesthetics. Speaking of curb appeal, regularly trimmed trees will greatly improve the overall look and aesthetic of your entire landscape and yard. Removing those dead branches will likely expose you and your home to more sun, and maybe even give you a better view of a lake, mountains, valleys, ponds, oceans, or other scenery. 

Tree trimming and other landscaping work is best left to the professionals. Frequently rated one of the best landscaping and design companies in Oklahoma City, Terrascapes has experience managing and maintaining the landscape and design of top companies, golf courses, and more.  We offer a variety of services, including weed control, lawn services, leaf removal, sprinkler installation and repair, tree removal, Christmas light install, pest services, and more. Visit our website to request an estimate or give us a call at (405) 228-0003.
